Hello! I'm Salih,
A Freelance
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Developer.

Designing & Developing Enterprise Level Experiences That Make My Clients And Their Users Happy 🎊.

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Facts about me!

  • πŸ’— My favorite language is Dart! (I use it a lot).
  • πŸ‘Ž My least favorite language is PHP! (Sometimes forced to use it).
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» First language I ever learned was HTML when I was 14.
  • πŸ’ͺ I think BOTH Functional Programming & OOP are amazing! (use both).
  • πŸ“ I worked as a UX/UI designer for almost a year before becoming a dev.
  • πŸ‘‘ My Favorite Javascript framework is Astro!
  • πŸ™ Despite my strong views, I think tech & strategies depend on the situation and the project needs.

What is my main specialty?

I love programming πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’», and I know the concepts so as any programmer would tell you, anything is possible with google, Bing Chat & stack overflow existing. It's just a matter of learing the syntax.

That being said, I specilaize in App Creation (Design & Development). Which means I create engaging user experiences with M3 and Figma, build scalable and secure backends with Google Cloud and Firebase. I also develop responsive user interfaces with usually Flutter or a JS Framework as needed.

Note that I still collaborate with fellow developers on projects, and I love working in a team as well as I love being in a one-man-army!

My Image

Why I chose App Development?

Well, here's my story with tech. So, back in the days when I was 12 πŸ‘Ά I got my first mobile phone. And even though it was a crappy one, with a small screen. But it had android on it and I was able to download and play a lot of mobile games!
I became then the house's IT kid, I was facinated with those "Programs" as I didn't know they were called Apps, and always wanted to create my own App/Utility that solves a problem or makes your mobile screen look weird. At some point, I got a pc, and the rest is history!

Now that you know all that

We are ready to make a happy client-developer dynamic!

🎊This website...

I am not the most developer knowledgeble about the web, let alone JS. But, I made this website using Typescript, JSX, React, and Astro + Firebase Realtime Database and Cloud Functions for the backend :). Shout out to my friend and colleague Leda for helping out by pointing me to the right JS framework, as there are way too many of them than anyone in the universe would ever need.

As for the design it's inspired by JS Frameworks' websites, I spent a lot of time on them when searching for a web framework that would be best for my usecase.

Saleh Waleed

Contact Info


+964 773 100 1529

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